Thursday, June 28, 2007

UKTUBE 0.5 out

UKTUBE 0.5 is a nice small step for internet tablet users. Have a look at it:

Ok, since 0.3, there have been many great features.
  1. Supports dailymotion videos
  2. Allows you to play downloaded videos (there is a dropdown for those)
  3. It's much faster in downloading
  4. Paste link (now, that's hot) - you copy the URL in browser and then just press that button.
  5. Allows you to also just download (if you don't need to watch it immediately)
  6. Videos are automatically added to the list
  7. If you download a video, after you've downloaded it or watched it, just press show in widescreen / normal to replay it. No need to select the same movie from dropdown.

So, there are two ways to copy the URL from youtube and dailymotion. The traditional is to navigate to the page where the video is located and click on the address bar and then select copy, like in the image below.

The second option is to hold your finger / pen over the link to the movie and keep it pressed for two seconds or so. Then a menu appear from which you can select copy link location, like in the image below.

Then you just open UKTUBE and click on the paste button.

URL address will appear in the text field and by clicking either of the show buttons, the video will be downloaded and displayed immediately after download is complete. If you press only download, it won't play the video.

UKTUBE works in 770 and N800.

Download UKTUBE 0.5 from here:
and remember that you need to have python and mplayer installed. If you don't have them, install them first from here:


  1. Anonymous09:47

    Hi uktube gets stuck at 24kb for me and ukmp covers are all just cd pictures not album art i tried everythinh rebooting and uninstalling and reinstalling the aapp any idea whats going on by the way .1 - .4 worked for me plus i tried to install .4 again after uun and reinstalling .5 and that didn't work either???

  2. sounds like your memory card is not mounted properly. Try restarting your device / at least remove the memory card and re-insert it.

  3. 0.5 is great. Wonder what happened to 0.4.

    Anyway, how 'bout a button to delete the selected video from the memory card?

  4. 0.4 was released a couple of days ago, I just didn't feel like posting a blog about it.

    Next version will have a delete button.

  5. Anonymous13:00

    If you're asking for next improvements.....

    1. Subscription downloading - download all videos that I'm subscribed to

  6. Hi

    Great app, but it is possible to allow mplayer to stream the video rather than to download it before ?
    I use to get the stream url, and copy/paste the url after mplayer and i play the stream perfectly.

    Let me know
    n800 at xetranet com

  7. The current build streams the content nicely, although it also stores the content on the device while doing the streaming.

  8. just install latest ukmp
    ran uktube link
    got message ready dnld
    xterm says
    raceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/bin/uktube", line 534, in onlyDownload
    getYouTube(self.entry.get_text(), False, False, True)
    File "/usr/bin/uktube", line 299, in getYouTube
    video_data = perform_request(video_url_real)
    File "/usr/bin/uktube", line 104, in perform_request
    response = urllib2.urlopen(request)
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 121, in urlopen
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 372, in open
    File "/usr/lib/python2.5/", line 1020, in do_request_
    urllib2.URLError: urlopen error no host given

    any advice ???

  9. by the way problem on nokia 770

  10. Anonymous13:04

    i download uktube and find problems opening the downloaded file
